Quick C: PIC16F818
Sku: S-110

Quick C: PIC16F818 Development Kit With Software
Including "C What Happens" - $149
This is an ideal kit for those just getting started with C programming on a PIC® MCU and includes everything necessary to to step through example programs covered in the new book C What Happens by David Benson.
The tutorial, software and hardware provide a complete C learning system with powerful and easy-to-use features on the PIC16F818.
- Full Featured C Compiler for the PIC16F818 Device
- Color Syntax Editor/IDE
- C-Aware Real-time Debugger
- Flow Chart Editor
- Documentation Generator and RTF Editor
- New Project Wizard
- Interactive Help
- PIC16F818 (28 pin SOIC)
- 4 I/O Pins (2 Can Be Analog)
- Four DIP Switches
- One Pushbutton
- Six LEDs
- Four I/O Lines To Jumper Block
- ICD Jack
- 1K Flash
- 128 Bytes Data EEPROM
- 127 Bytes RAM
- 16 I/O Pins
- 3 Timers
- 5 Channel Analog/Digital Converter
- SPI and I2C Hardware
- Capture, Compare and PWM Hardware
- Interrupts
- Watch Dog Timer
- C What Happens by David Benson
- Single Chip C Compiler for PIC16F818 with integrated Windows Environment & Advanced Debugger*
- PIC16F818 Prototyping Board (1.625" x 1.375")
- In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer
- Target Board to ICD Cable
- PC to ICD USB Cable
- Getting Started Tutorial
Option 1: Development Kit
Compiler Software and Book - $149
Option 2: Development Kit for Book Owners
Hardware and Software Only - $115
Why Use C Language?
"C doesn't put constraints in your way, it doesn't force you into using a particular programming style...in terms of getting something done with not too much effort, I haven't seen anything to this day that I like better." (Brian Kernighan, Author: The C Programming Language)
Why Choose Microchip PIC® Microcontrollers?
"Leading engineers worldwide continue to use the PIC® microcontroller architecture because we provide a competitive advantage to their businesses with faster time to market, lower total system cost and low-risk product development." (Steve Sanghi, President and CEO, Microchip Technology, Inc.)
C What Happens by David Benson
C What Happens is a series of explanations and examples for those who want to learn to program PIC® microcontrollers using the C programming language. It is assumed that the reader has no knowledge of PIC® microcontrollers or programming, but does have a rudimentary understanding of electronics.
The reader will learn to create programs by making selections from a large variety of built-in functions provided in the CCS C Compiler, writing his/her own functions as needed, and writing executable statements. The reader will "C what happens" by programming a PIC® microcontroller with the newly created code and exercising it using a simple circuit described in the book.
The subject matter is laid out in a logical progression from simple to not-so-simple and is illustrated with lots of examples.