PIC18F45K22 Student Development Kit
Sku: S-64

In stock (ships immediately)
IMPORTANT: This development kit will be a direct replacement for the end-of-life product: PIC18F4520 Student Development Kit
Note: This product is for educational purposes only. A valid student ID is required to purchase this product.
This kit contains everything you need to begin development with Microchip's PIC® PIC18 family. Along with a prototyping board, it includes a single chip compiler and an ICD-U40 in-circuit programmer/debugger. The prototyping board features a PIC18F45K22 MCU attached to a potentiometer, RS-232 level converter, pushbutton, three LEDs, and an ICD connector.
PIC18F45K22 Prototyping Board (Size: 3" x 1.75") includes:
- PIC18F45K22
- 30 I/O Pins (11 Can Be Analog)
- One Potentiometer
- One Pushbutton
- Three LEDs
- RS-232 Level Converter
- ICD Jack
- 16mhz Crystal
PIC18F45K22 Development Kit includes:
- PIC18F45K22 Prototyping Board
- In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer
- Breadboard
- Parts box with:
- 93LC56 serial EEPROM chip
- Jumpers
- DS1631 digital thermometer chip
- NJU6355 real-time clock IC with attached 32.768kHz crystal
- Two digit 7-segment LED module
- Two 1K Ohm resistors
- Exercise Tutorial
- 9V AC Adapter
- Serial PC to Prototype Board Cable
- ICD to Prototype Board Cable
- USB PC to ICD Cable
PIC18F45K22 Information