Monday 30 January, 2012 Expand to read article belowThere are several great features in the CCS IDE compilers that give a helping hand to users. A handy one to try is the "Keep File Change History". Our engineers love it and we know you will too.
This feature recognizes any changes made in your code, and saves the history in a separate file on your PC. If you ever need to go back and reference the code, all of the previous code was saved for use! This feature is very user friendly and simple to use.
Just follow these steps to utilize this feature in your CCS IDE compiler.
- Open up your IDE Compiler
- View the Options Tab
- Click on the Editor Properties
- In the Editor Options Box, check the "Keep File Change History" box
- Choose how often you want to save the changes in the drop down box
- Choose the maximum number of files
- Press OK
- Compiler away!
To view our IDE compilers, visit: | Monday 30 January, 2012 Expand to read article belowCCS is now supporting the new Microchip PIC24/dsPIC family of EP Devices! Use the compiler to access several key benefits of an EP device.
The EP Devices we currently support operate at 60 MIPS, regular chips operate at 40 MIPS. They have a max regular program memory of 536 KB, while regular chips have a max regular program memory of 256 KB. They also have a max regular of 53 KB RAM, and regular chips have a max regular of 30 KB.
CCS now suports:
- PIC24EP256GU810
- PIC24EP256GU814
- PIC24EP512GU810
- PIC24EP512GU814
- DSPIC33EP256MU806
- DSPIC33EP256MU810
- DSPIC33EP256MU814
- DSPIC33EP512MU810
- DSPIC33EP512MU814
In a nutshell these EP devices are much faster and have: more Program Memory, more RAM, more ADC Channels, more Input Capture Modules, more Output Compare Modules, more SPI Modules, more DMA Channels, and more Motor Control PWM Channels.
Don't forget that these devices still have 9 16-bit timers, 4 UART modules, 2 ECAN modules, 5 external interrupts, a DCI modules, a CRC Generator, 2 QEI modules (for dsPIC33EP only), and USP peripherals. Debugging is not yet supported for EP chips.
All CCS Programmers and CCSload also support this family. Visit to view all CCS products. | Tuesday 19 June, 2012 Expand to read article belowCCS, Inc. is hard at work preparing for the 15th annual Microchip's MASTERs Conference this August in Phoenix, AZ, where a CCS representative will have an informational booth set up from 7am to 7pm on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The focus this year is Expand your Embedded Control Skills, and is an ideal topic for CCS's lead engineer, Darren Rook, to be teaching two four-hour classes entitled 1620 CCS C Compiler for Rapid Development of Microcontroller Applications.
Attendees of the CCS Rapid Development will learn several techniques for reusing code, easy 8-bit PIC® MCU migration, and using the CCS API to control PIC® MCU peripherals. For the hands-on portion of the course, participants will experience the speed and ease of developing complex applications from scratch, using the CCS C Compiler. Also covered will be the use of the application Wizard, basic IDE use, programming concepts and advanced debugging techniques, as well new features of the compiler.
The year's conference runs from August 6th through the 11th, and will be held at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort. For more information on the conference, to register, or to sign up for the CCS class, please visit the Microchip MASTERs website.
MPLAB® ICD 2, dsPIC®DSC and PIC®MCU are registered trade marks of Microchip Technology Inc in the U.S.A and other contries.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Tuesday 19 June, 2012 Expand to read article belowAre you frustrated when the compiler cannot find an included file, or when the wrong file is being used? CCS has taken some of the mystery out of it and compiled some tips to help you out!
1.) Directory List specified in the IDE → Checked first in the IDE only
2.) Directory List specified in the Command-Line → Checked first in the Command-line only
3.) Directory List in CCSC.INI → Checked first in the Command-line and MPLAB only
4.) Directories identified in previous #include directives → Searched in the order they appear in the program
5.) Project Directory → When "..." is used in the #include, instead of <...>, then Project Directory is checked first
When the file is NOT found, the compiler will list each directory searched for the file, in the order they were searched, in the .ERR file. If the wrong file is used, the compiler can help by intentionally misspelling the name so you can see the search order in the .ERR file. Also, in any CCS C Compiler project each included file is listed in the .SYM file, along with the file's date/time and a 32-bit CRC.
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit Our Forum and Our FAQ page
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Tuesday 19 June, 2012 Expand to read article belowAre you having compatibility issues with your CCS C Compiler and your computer? CCS can help you pinpoint where the issue is and give you solutions!
Although the CCS C Compiler (v4.100 and newer) is fully compatible with newer operating systems, exercise caution during installation. We recommend use of the install program to install the compiler while logged on as an administrator. We also suggest that you DO NOT copy-paste files from one installation to another, as these operating systems recognize installation programs and create paths for proper installation.
Use the Windows drag and drop to copy new registration files to the PICC directory. Email and other file management programs may cause the operating system to create a shadow copy of the file, rather than copying the file to the requested location. To ensure the files are where you want them, verify the following directory is empty:
%LOCALAPPDATA%virtualstoreprogram files (x86)PICC
**(x86) may or may not be in your directory name**
This directory must always be empty for the CCS C Compiler to perform correctly, as the compiler and all of CCS's development tools are tagged as being Windows 7 class programs. Keep all sources and include files in a directory under C:USERS. The installation program will create a project directory for you in a safe location on the PC.
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit Our Forum and Our FAQ page
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Monday 23 July, 2012 Expand to read article belowMany of the new devices from Microchip include new peripheral support. The question you ask yourself, "How do I use these peripherals?"
CCS has answered that question by adding new Built-in Functions to the compiler. Version 4.135 of the compiler now include support for Configurable Logic Cell (CLC), Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM), Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG), Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) and Data Signal Modulator (DSM).
Download a new version or update your compiler today!
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit: Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit: Our FAQ Page or Our Customer Forum
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Monday 23 July, 2012 Expand to read article belowThere can never be enough built-in functions in a programmers library. CCS has once again added new libraries like #use timer(), #use delay(), and #use touchpad() that wil save you valuable time and space.
The new #use timer() library makes it easy to set-up a tick timer in your project. The library allows for setting up both an interrupt driven and non-interrupt driven tick timer.
The #use delay() library has new options added for configuring PIC devices with a USB peripheral. When using this function for the new USB options, the #use delay() library will set-up all necessary configuration and oscillator settings for the device to use the USB peripheral.
Updates have been made to the #use touchpad() library to support devices with a Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU) peripheral. Use this in addition to the already supported Capacitive Sensing Module (CSM) peripheral.
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit: Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit: Our FAQ Page or Our Customer Forum
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Thursday 27 September, 2012 Expand to read article belowJust when you thought the CCS C Compiler could not get any better, you thought wrong! CCS will launch Version 5 for beta in the upcoming one to two months. During the beta testing period, new features will be continuously announced and rolled out in new beta versions.
One brand new and exciting feature newly added for Version 5 is the C Profiler. While the PIC® MCU is running, information about the program that is executing, is continuously logged and analyzed to give a profile of the program.
You can easily obtain information while using the C Profiler and ICD-U64, such as:
- Profile only certain blocks of code
- Transmit special debug messages
- Log certain variables
There is quite a bit more to the C Profiler than a news announcement can do justice, as well as the many more additions to Version 5....keep looking for additional news stories, as well as updates to the Version 5 page on our website.
Version 5
Want to be a beta tester* for Version 5.... or make suggestions on what you would like to see in Version thru to the above link!
*All customers with active maintenance are eligible to apply for V.5 betas.
All customers with active maintenance when V.5 is released will receive V.5 at no additional cost.
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit: Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit: Our FAQ Page or Our Customer Forum
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Monday 08 October, 2012 Expand to read article belowThe next new item to try when Version 5 Beta is released, is the powerful #use rs232() library that has added transmit buffering, receive buffering, and flow control. While the API for the serial library remains unchanged ( getc(), putc(), printf() ), existing code using this API allows for buffering and flow control by simply modifying the #use rs232() parameters. A user may specify:
- size of transmit buffer
- size of receive buffer
- interrupt usage or no interrupt usage
- pin for CTS and pin for RTS
Click through to: Version 5
to review a usage example of the #use rs232() and additional details on each new usage. Additional configurations and control options will also be available in Version 5. Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions about the serial library upgrades.....
Want to be a beta tester* for Version 5.... or make suggestions on what you would like to see in Version thru to the above link!
*All customers with active maintenance are eligible to apply for V.5 betas.
All customers with active maintenance when V.5 is released will receive V.5 at no additional cost.
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit: Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit: Our FAQ Page or Our Customer Forum
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter | Wednesday 24 October, 2012 Expand to read article belowCCS has added new #use capture() and #use pwm() libraries that makes it easier to use the PIC® MCU capture/compare/PWM, input capture and output capture peripherals. There are sometimes challenges in using these peripherals when designing the PWM to operate at a desired frequency and resolution, or configuring the capture peripheral to measure events at a known time duration. Another challenge is that the configuration is generally only valid for certain PIC families and one oscillator speed; changing the PIC® or the oscillator would mean reviewing and updating the way those peripherals are configured.
CCS’s new #use capture() and #use pwm() libraries solve these problems by making it easy to use these peripherals and making the code portable to different PIC® MCUs and oscillator speeds.
- #use capture() is when the input capture peripheral samples and holds a timer value when the peripheral’s input pin reaches the desired level. This peripheral is useful for measuring the time duration between two events.
- #use pwm() is for Pulse-width modulation (PWM), the method of pulsing a digital signal on/off to represent an analog signal. A PWM's two properties are its frequency and duty cycle. A duty cycle is the ratio the digital signal is on versus off.
See examples of these libraries with further details by clicking through to: Version 5
Additional configurations and control options will also be available in Version 5. Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions about the serial library upgrades.....
Want to be a beta tester* for Version 5.... or make suggestions on what you would like to see in Version thru to the above link!
*All customers with active maintenance are eligible to apply for V.5 betas.
All customers with active maintenance when V.5 is released will receive V.5 at no additional cost.
To learn more about CCS's C Compiler, visit: Our Compiler Page
To see more helpful hints and tips, visit: Our FAQ Page or Our Customer Forum
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